

Tasos Touratzidis

I’m Anastasios Touratzidis, an experienced hairstylist with over 10 years of industry expertise. Passionate about my craft, I continuously stay updated on the latest trends and have trained under renowned international educators. As a hairstyling instructor at IEK Akmi, I share my knowledge and have initiated educational programs for aspiring hairstylists. View more


Barber Class

  • Customer Behavior Lessons
  • Fade Techniques
  • Scissor Work
  • Practical application on live models
  • 2-month program with a total of 32 hours

Group Workshop

  • Fade Techniques
  • Scissor Work
  • Group Dynamics
  • Practical application on live models
  • Immediate feedback

1 to 1 Workshop

  • Tailored Learning
  • Individualized Fade Techniques
  • Customized Scissor Work
  • Hands-on Practice
  • Immediate feedback


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